The storyline is comprised of a combination of the Wolverine backstory being explored in the movie of the same name as well as original story created by Raven Software......Three years later, when Logan has settled in Canada and has a girlfriend named Kayla Silverfox, his brother Victor Creed reappears in his life at a local bar where Logan and Creed fight. Creed wins and knocks Logan unconscious. After the latter wakes up, he finds Kayla (apparently) dead, blaming this on Creed. Therefore, Col. William Stryker appears before Logan with a promise if he agrees on his terms: that Logan will feel more pain than any man can endure, and that he will have his revenge. Logan agrees, and he undergoes an indescribably painful procedure that melds his bones with adamantium, an indestructable steel. However, Logan hears that Stryker wants his memories erased, so he goes berserk and tries to escape Alkali Lake, killing many of Stryker's own men in the process. Wolverine lunges toward an enemy helicopter. Hugh Jackman as Logan / Wolverine: A mutant with powers of regeneration, animalistic instincts, enhanced strength, unbreakable bones and six retractable adamantium claws (Bone claws before the adamantium transfusion). ....Source Wikipedia
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